Best Rigid Ankle Brace

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Kyle

Best Rigid Ankle Brace

Have you really sprained your ankle?  An ankle brace could help with your recovery and also help keep the injury from getting worse. There are several types of ankle braces.  There are sleeve, lace up, and Rigid/Semi-Rigid ankle braces.  Today we are going to focus on the best rigid ankle brace.

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In our testing, the best rigid ankle brace is the Active Ankle T2 Ankle Brace.  The Active Ankle T2 Ankle Brace offers and exceptional level of protection, fits the left or right foot, has a bilateral hinge that allows full range of motion, and is a sleek less bulky brace.

Ankle Sprains

Any movement that suddenly twists the foot beyond its natural range of motion can cause an ankle sprain such as…

  • Landing wrong when jumping or running
  • Stepping off a curb wrong
  • Slipping on a slippery surface
  • Tripping on a hole in the ground

When you sprain your ankle you do not injure the ankle bone itself.  Instead, you injure the ligaments surrounding the ankle bone.  The ligament becomes injured when it is stretched too far.  Sometimes this stretching can result in a partial or complete tear of the ligament.

Types of Ankle Sprains

There are basically two types of ankle sprains.

  • Inversion Ankle Sprains – This type of sprain occurs when the footfalls inward and stretches the outer ligaments too far.  Pain for this type of ankle sprain will be on the outside of the ankle.  Inversion ankle sprains are the most common type of ankle sprain.
  • Eversion Ankle Sprains – Eversion ankle sprain happens when the foot twists outward.  The pain from this type of ankle pain will be on the inside of the ankle.  Eversion ankle sprains aren’t common.

Why wear a brace?

Did you know that lateral ankle sprains were the most common injury in US college student-athletes? Also, these student-athletes are 3 times more likely to sprain there ankle during practice.

The whole idea behind wearing an ankle brace is to provide support for the ankle and to prevent injury, but using a brace can also increase confidence in the activity you are performing.  This allows you to focus on your activity and perform to your full potential.

Using an ankle brace will help you recover faster, reduce the risk of reinjury, and return to your activity faster than without using a brace.

Benefits of Rigid Ankle Braces

Rigid Ankle braces offer maximum support and ankle protection.  The braces are rigid which keep the ankle from turning inward or outward.

  • Rigid braces offer the highest level of preventative support
  • Anatomical bilateral and unilateral hinges allow for unencumbered forward/back and vertical mobility
  • Assists in faster rehabilitation after injury
  • Superior level of protection without sacrificing comfort

These braces are ideal for individuals with weak ankles that have experienced injuries in the past. Rigid braces are also great for activities where you frequently jump and risk ankle trauma, such as volleyball players and basketball players.

Check out the video below which shows how to put on our best pick of this review the Active Ankle T2 Ankle Brace



What is the Best Rigid Ankle Brace?

We tested 5 different braces in our testing. Each of these braces has its advantages and disadvantages.


Active Ankle T2 Ankle Brace

Rigid Ankle Brace


  • People loved the support the brace provides and that it actually stabilizes your shoe to keep it from moving from side to side.
  • Users loved the fact that the braces were light and slim, yet offered great support.
  • Many felt the brace was light yet very supportive and would help prevent ankle injuries.


  • Some users felt the brace was a bit bulky and could begin to rub the ankle bone after long hours of use.
  • A few users felt that the brace was a little hard to put on.
  • Some felt the brace durability wasn’t what they expected, with some braces not lasting more than 5 months with heavy use.

Zmast Ankle Brace Support

zmast ankle brace support



  • Most users loved the lateral support that the brace provided.
  • Users liked the long term durability of the ankle brace.
  • Many users liked that the brace was very supportive yet allowed mobility.


  • Some users felt that the brace was pricey for the support it provided.
  • Many users felt that the brace was hard to put on correctly.
  • Users felt the brace was a little uncomfortable and could use extra padding on the side braces.

Ultra Zoom Ankle Brace



  • Users loved the durability of braces even after many months of use.
  • Many users felt the support was great and should help prevent injuries.
  • People felt that the brace was very comfortable to wear, and didn’t cause issues after wearing the brace for long periods of time.


  • Some users complained that the brace was too bulky and didn’t fit inside their shoes.
  • Users felt that the braces hard plastic edges tended to dig into there feet and that they had to wear a sock under the brace to make it comfortable.
  • Many felt that the brace just wasn’t rigid enough, and the plastic was too flexible.

Mueller Lite Ankle Brace



  • People loved the affordable price.
  • Users felt the brace was very comfortable to wear during activities.
  • Many loved the light weight of the brace without compromising support and protection.


  • Some users didn’t like the quality of the brace and were expecting it to break in a short amount of use.
  • Some thought the brace was just a little too flexible and didn’t provide enough support.
  • Many reported that the plastic on the ankle support began to rub their ankle after long periods of use.

DonJoy Performance POD Ankle Brace



  • Users felt the brace was easy to put on and remove.
  • Many people liked the level of support and flexibility.
  • People loved the braces lightweight.


  • Some users complained the brace was durable enough, specifically the retaining strap.
  • Users felt that the brace didn’t provide enough support for the ankle.
  • Many felt that the brace kept them from fully flexing the foot forward, especially when running.

And the Winner Is?

The best rigid ankle brace is the Active Ankle T2 Ankle Brace. The Active Ankle T2 Ankle Brace offers an exceptional level of protection, fits the left or right foot, has a bilateral hinge that allows full range of motion, and is a sleek less bulky brace.

zmast ankle brace support

If you are having ankle pain due to a sprain, it is important to see a doctor for a checkup.  You deserve to feel better and get back to your day-to-day activities.  With the right care and treatment plan, you will be back on healthy feet in no time.


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