
Who is running this place?

Hey, my name is Kyle, and I suffer from foot pain.  If you are here, I guess you do too. First of all, let me say I am not a doctor, nor do I pretend to be.  I am a foot pain sufferer. I actually suffer from two types of foot-related pain, ankle, and Achilles tendinitis.

Kyle Author Picture

My story of foot pain begins way back in high school.  I was playing basketball in our gym prior to baseball practice, and when going up for a rebound, I came down on another players foot.  In doing so I had my very first sprained ankle, and boy was it bad.  The doctors upon the first examination had thought I had broken it.  Needless to say despite my best attempts that ankle was never the same.

Fast forward a few years when I was attending college.  I was walking home from class one evening when blam! I step into a hole in the sidewalk and sprain my other ankle.  The ankle began to swell immediately so I knew it wasn’t good.  My friends ran me over to the emergency room, and luckily all it was, was a bad sprain.  So, now I had injured both my ankles badly, and even though they were years apart, they have been a constant problem ever since.  From what my doctors tell me, it’s instability in my ankle that has led to the tendinitis in my Achilles.  Needless to say, it isn’t pleasant and seems to migrate from one foot to the other as my body compensates for the weakness in my ankles.

Why a Blog?

So this leads me to the creation of this blog, and my search for relief from my foot/ankle pain.  I have spent years trying out different braces, treatments, and have spent too long with RICE.  Anyway, I will be posting info on helping you with your foot pain.  I will include reviews of braces and therapies, and any general news about foot pain, it’s sources, and the relief from it.

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